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I Want to Buy a Colorado Business

Will a Broker Really Help?

Everyone dreams of owning a business. Are you looking to buy a Colorado Business?

Some people want to get down and dirty and spend their time building it from the ground up, but others would rather step into an existing business and work on guiding it towards a bigger, brighter future.

While it is totally possible to walk into a business you like, drop a ton of cash on the counter, and hope for the best, it is generally wiser to have help sorting out all the details, and that’s where a Colorado Buyer’s Broker comes in.

Will a Broker Help Me ?

Much like with Real Estate, a Business Buyer’s Broker will get to know you, your needs, and the type and size of business you’re looking for, and then they’ll go out and find them for you. Unlike Real Estate brokers, however, your Buyer’s Broker will usually have the staff and skills to do a proper value analysis of the business, including asset appraisal and evaluation of the financial documents.

Why is a Broker Valuable When I Buy a Business?

Coming to a sale via a Buyer’s Broker shows the business seller that you are serious about your inquiry and capable of following through with the purchase should everything go smoothly. A Buyer’s Broker won’t show you businesses which are beyond your ability to purchase. The Buyer’s Broker can also maintain strict confidentiality throughout the initial phases of the purchase, safeguarding both you and the seller from unintended consequences due to information getting out too soon.

Using a Buyer’s Broker also opens the door to other brokers in the area. Your Buyer’s Broker will be able to refer you, or work with you as your representative, for business listings other brokers have. And you can rest assured that any opportunity they bring you has been properly vetted, as they have done their due diligence beforehand.

Finally, when all the negotiating and investigating is done, your Buyer’s Broker will have the staff and skills to properly structure the sale and make sure everything goes smoothly. And while you could do much of this on your own, having someone experienced there to help you through any rough patches is invaluable.

So, reach out to InterMountain Business Brokers today and complete our Buyer Registration form to get the ball rolling.

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