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  • Sell a Business -We are your partner

35 Reasons for Business Sellers to Hire InterMountain Business Brokers

  • The business seller wants the best possible price and terms for their business!
  • Most owners of successful businesses are busy running their businesses and do not have the time to attempt to sell their businesses on their own.
  • Most business owners do not know how to find buyers.
  • Most business owners do not know the Fair Market Value of their business or the highest price that a buyer will pay.
  • Most business owners do not know how to effectively “Qualify” buyer prospects.
  • Most Residential Brokers have very limited experience in business sales transactions, if any.
  • Most Commercial Brokers specialize in the sale of commercial buildings and developments and have very little experience in business sales, if any.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to sell businesses for the best possible price and terms . . . Most business owners, Residential Brokers and Commercial Brokers don’t.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers performs a Courtesy Valuation for the business seller to determine the Fair Market Value of the business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers will develop effective advertising campaigns, implements them and pay for them while maintaining CONFIDENTIALITY.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers has an enormous Internet presence. This is important as most business buyers start their business searches on the Internet.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to develop a marketing strategy and execute it.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers will screen all potential buyer prospects and eliminate the Tire Kickers.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can “Recast” the business seller’s financial statements prepared for tax purposes and express them in terms of the “True Value” of the business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers prepares multiple versions of the business profile and knows what information to provide buyer prospects, and when, to maintain CONFIDENTIALITY.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can expose the business seller’s business to a broad pool of qualified buyer prospects – CONFIDENTIALLY.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers prequalifies all potential buyer prospects BEFORE introducing them to the business seller.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can create and manage “Buyer Competition” for the purchase of a business seller’s business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to “Coach” business sellers on the most effective way to field prospective buyer’s questions and concerns.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can effectively preserve CONFIDENTIALITY by knowing what to say to buyer prospects . . . And when.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to effectively follow up with potential buyers and get them to make a decision!
  • InterMountain Business Brokers has a Deal Making Team of independent qualified accountants, appraisers and lawyers in place that can assist in the transaction.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to disclose to potential buyers, sensitive information about the business seller’s business while maintaining CONFIDENTIALITY.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can initiate contact with “Strategic Buyers” for the business seller’s business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to maximize the price that potential buyers will pay for the business seller’s business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers will draft Offers to Purchase and assist business sellers to evaluate them.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to minimize interference with the business seller’s management of the business during the business sales process.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers understands and can depersonalize negotiations.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers is an experienced and effective negotiator and Deal Maker.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers has systems in place to minimize the possibility that the business seller’s CONFIDENTIAL information will be disclosed to the business seller’s competitors.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers keeps the transaction CONFIDENTIAL to eliminate any adverse effect of premature disclosure (about sale) to key employees, customers and suppliers.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers keeps the transaction CONFIDENTIAL to eliminate any adverse effect of premature disclosure (about sale) to key employees, customers and suppliers.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers compensation is usually based on a commission ONLY upon a successful sale of the business seller’s business.
  • InterMountain Business Brokers can provide invaluable assistance throughout the entire transaction.
  • Deals can “Almost Die” numerous times during the business sales transaction. InterMountain Business Brokers knows how to “Revive” them and get them back on track.
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